Tuesday, April 10, 2012

War on Women

The War on women.  What is that?  What does that mean?  NOTHING.  They are just words.  Words used by the Democratic Party to confuse.  Words used to manipulate.  Words used to incite fear into women to think some of their liberties are being abused by the Republicans.

Let us look at when these words began to be used.  It was when the Catholic Church opposed the Affordable Healthcare Act and its mandate to provide birth control.  The Church and its affiliates were promised that they would be exempt from this mandate, but that did not prove to be the case.  President Obama thought he had fixed the problem when he decided the Church did not have to pay for birth control, but that the insurance companies would.  That wasn't a fix.  The Church still had to provide the coverage whether they paid for it or not.

Now if you are not a Catholic you may not understand this.  I am not a Catholic.  I do not even agree with the Church about birth control.  But I certainly agree with the Church on their freedom to teach and believe what they want.  That is what this country is founded upon. FREEDOM OF RELIGION.  One may say, well ok, the Church itself should not have to provide birth control since it is one of its basic tenets of faith, but Catholic colleges, hospitals, and other Catholic institutions should.  Again, you do not understand the Church.  If you are called Catholic...you are part of the Catholic Church, it is the way the Catholic hierarchy is set up.  The Pope is over everything Catholic.

Then one might say, well most catholic women don't follow the teaching of the Church on birth control anyway.  So what.  That is between them and their God and their Church.  What if a women needs birth control for health reasons?  Well, the Catholic church gives an exemption for that. 

So, when the Catholic Church began to oppose the Affordable Heathcare Act on Freedom of Religion, the President and democrats immediately changed the focus and terminology to a war on women.  This is just an election year slogan!  And women took the bait and kept repeating it.  Somewhere, someone is out there to get me, and take away my rights!!!!

I agree that the Republican candidates made comments on the subject and also got themselves involved in women's issues rather than staying on point.   I agree that the only issue that some on the right have is to protect the life of the unborn.  That is a great issue, but not the most pressing one in this election.  That issue is just that:   Protection of the unborn, not a war on women.

During this debate, I heard women say, "we're not stupid."  Well, maybe you are.  If you are not seeing this for what it is.  I refuse to allow anyone to manipulate me with words.  Maybe you don't like having to pay for your birth control pills.  Well, maybe I don't like having to pay for your birth control pills either.

I heard Nancy Pelosi say that if the Affordable Healthcare Act was overturned, "women would lose their free mammograms."   Please!  Again, words meant to scare you.  If you are a women 40 years old, you get a free mammogram a year as preventative medicine.  That has been in place for years.  Even if you don't have insurance and long before President Obama came along.  This is how people use words to cause you to pause and have fear of losing something.

Women today, are smarter, more independent, more educated and are CEOs.  Yes, we should fight for our rights as women have always done.  This past week we heard the question:  should women be allowed to join Augusta Golf Club?  Of course, think of all the money they would make.  But, a private club has the right to do what it wants.  

Come on ladies.  Stop whining.  Get up off your hind end.   Work for what you want.  Stop asking for hand outs.  Stop depending on others for things.  The government is not the answer to all your issues.  If you actually need help, there is help out there.  Get it, then get on with your life.  There is no war against you. 

Step back and take a breath and don't let the democrats pull the wool over your eyes!

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